Richmond Dragon Boat Society

1) RDBS Dragon Boater Seedling Grant 

2) KidSport BC – provides financial assistance for registration fees and equipment to kids aged 18 and under, can up to $400 for each child. 

3) Active Recreation & Sport Fund –

Children and youth 18 years and younger who reside in the city of Richmond and have financial need—eligibility is based on the Government of Canada’s Low-Income Guidelines. Registration fees up to $500 per program registration, per calendar year (January – December).


 RDBS Dragon Boater Seedling Grant 

  • Eligibility:
    • Offer to RDBS members. Membership sign up here. 
    • Open to young paddlers (13~18 )who sign up for the whole dragoon boat season from October – June.
    • Parents apply for the young paddler.   
    • No financial restrictions.
    • Emphasis on practice ethics and sportsmanship.
    • Parents of paddlers must also be RDBS members.
  • Grant Pool: $2,500 (total)
  • Individual Grants: Distributed equally among paddlers based on the number of applicants.
  • Grant application open: March 1st. Close on March 31st. 
  • Online applications will be opening soon.